•I would think it would be in how the person interacts with friends, family, etc. when the skeptic partner is not around. I was in a relationship in which at first I faked loving this person for sex. After a while, I went into a depression. I must say out of my own psychological decisions in this matter. People should be warned of narcissistic sex addicts. I was one of them and I believed I possibly suffered just as much as the person who loved me. In the end when I broke up with her. I finally heard the birds chirping. The truth will set you free. I think what is essential is never having to pretend to be anyone on both sides. People like to wear masks in fear and waste a lot of time with the belief there is no true love and just sex. In which at this moment I believe.
•He should always think of me and even express his love to me. Yes he can think of you all the time in the wrong way. He can call you every minute with the intention of bedding you and making you a statistic. What I would suggest is give the time dimension of love a chance. After ample time you can separate the wine from the vinegar.
•The only thing I have to suggest is don't say I love you again just say I care about you until he says it to you without you saying it first make sure he is looking you in the eyes and if it is at the perfect moment then he probably means it and complain that he doesn't say it in front of his friends, if he does he loves you.
•You'll have to ask: There's no way to know for sure, you shouldn't rush into things. If you have been going out for a while and you feel ready to tell them the way you feel then wait until it feels right and go for it, be prepared that they might not feel as strongly yet, but it doesn't mean they never will. If you think it might be a little soon or you haven't gone out together I wouldn't rush into things, make it clear you really care for them and wait until later to tell them how you feel, you don't want to scare them off. The only way to tell if someone loves you is to ask, but be careful how you do it.
•If you find someone who understands and endures the hardships, enjoys the good times to the fullest, then you will know. Time will tell. It is a lifetime of learning, teaching and caring for one another. Hey! where do I sign up for class?
•I will know that the person i love loves me too, maybe if he always look for me, which made his day complete.
•Only way you know someone loves you is by how much sacrifices they will put up to make you happy. Being unselfish, caring about you more then himself. It goes both ways though. If everyone thought of what would make their lover's happy instead of what makes them happy, they'll be a overflow of love. Love is sacrifices.
•I believe and feel if a man or woman loves you they wouldn't do anything to hurt you. And knowing we all are imperfect I feel that if a problem was acknowledged that that person would come together with unconditional love and work this out. They would appreciate you for your worth and help you when you are in the need of them. Love is not thinking to ones self " what is this going to do for me", but will say or think "what can I do to help this person I love". But when you get people who are always thinking about themselves all the time. That is not real true love. And a person must be worthy of love as well. Some don't know how to love and leave you bitter for the next person who you try to love.
•Actions speak louder than words. It's better to know someone loves you without being told 'cause anyone can say 'I love you' and also it does not matter how long you're together to say 'I love you' cause love has no time limit you go by when it's there it's there, say it when you feel it and it could be infatuation but I would hope you'd know the difference.
•You can see from her eyes, body language and her attention to you.
•Well, to tell if a guy LOVES you: While you're seeing him, and those times when you are not physically together, you won't feel lonely inside, as if something that you can't put your finger on is missing. You'll feel absolutely right about the whole thing. Little "red flags" or "empty holes" inside of you won't be there while you are with him or while you are not with him. It's a feeling as if things all around are complete and with no confusion.
•Together you can both act silly or even goofy. Maybe even stupid together once in a while, while in public or around others you both will act "mature" (whatever that is supposed to be). You'll be able to talk about ANYTHING together without having "taboo" subjects.
•Aside from him actually looking you in the eye and telling you that he is in love with you, and you feeling it, the other signs I've mentioned as well are what I believe to be a factor too. You should feel like there are more in depth growth going on aside from how great the sex is between you both or on top of how merely polite he is. There's more to it than great sex and polite ways.
•Tell them that you love them. Stick around for a while to see if they say it back. Casually mention it every once in a while after that, when the do something particularly nice or when you are parting or saying goodnight. If they don't say it within say, a month or so, then ask just ask them. It may not occur to them to say it, but by asking them after giving them a chance and the hints to do so on their own, you'll know if they do now or think they ever will.
•You know that someone loves you when they look deeply into your eyes and says in a soft voice that they love you and no matter what happens or what else is said you get that feeling inside knowing that deep down you love them too. And you just feel so amazing inside. They will love you and hold on to you, they will be there in a time of need. That is how you know..
•When you get the sweet phone calls out of the blue or when they look into your eyes and you can see the love. You can almost see right to there soul. You can tell by their body movements when you're around. You can really feel in your heart. When they are not around how much you miss them.
•Most males and females will agree that the best way to find out how your significant other feels about you is to ask directly.
•You don't is the answer to that, you'll never know that the person you've fallen for loves you back you just have to trust that they do. I'm in love with a person who lives a 5 hour drive away from me and so I get to see him once a month, he could have a secret life away from me and flirt with all the girls in his city for all i know but I don't worry about that because I really trust that he loves me just as much as I love him, maybe even more. I don't know this I just trust in my instinct. Trust in yours too and you'll be fine.
•If there's a slight doubt in your mind that he / she doesn't love you back then he / she hasn't convinced you enough and therefore doesn't love you enough to make you believe how he / she feels.. therefore maybe doesn't feel that way at all. Its not about you knowing if he / she loves you it's about him / her making you believe in it.
•I think it's a reciprocated love. When you start investing your time and effort and he reciprocates it with love and care from there you can already prove it. It takes two tango.
•Your instincts will tell you. They wont lie. Mine didn't ;-). Listen to what your gut tells you (untainted by either hopefulness or pessimism this is the best way of telling), it'll tell you whether there's an electric connection or not. But hey, maybe I got lucky.
•You should be able to ask him and tell him to tell the truth if he does or not because my boyfriend loves me and tells it to me.
•If you can't feel it chances are it ain't there. Time is precious. Tell them how you feel. They should then admit, commit or quit....
•You'll feel it and just know that they do.. It's a feeling after all, it's magic.
•To find true love: Love this person with all your heart and hope that it's mutual. You'll know if it is.
•You will know if a person loves you if he/she will do everything just to make you smile in every single way. You will know if someone loves you if he/she sacrifices his/her own emotions just to make you happy. You will know if someone loves you he/she Shows his care for you trough actions not through words. You will know if someone loves you if he/she accepts you know matter who you are wholeheartedly.
•If you are in love with that person, you two must be close and chances are, they love you back. You should take a chance and just tell them, even though a close friendship is at risk. Try to look for hints that suggest they love you, for a little while. Then when you have seen enough proof, confess your love! Try sudden things like hugging from behind, and see if they blush. Give them many opportunities to confess THEIR love, or to hint about it.
•All of these answers are correct in my eyes. Love is different to different people. But all love has a few things in common, trust and understanding. To understand and accept a persons flaws isn't always an easy thing to do. But one who is able to accept a person as a whole, flaws and imperfections included, is capable of truly loving. when you get that feeling that they couldn't do anything wrong, or anything to make you hate them... you know you love them. Its an understanding that can be seen... you can see it in their eyes. and when you two are cuddled up or as close as can be, and you still feel like they should be closer... you know that you are in love. you think about them constantly... never missing a minute. you anticipate the next time you get to see them. its so hard to explain... it's a gut feeling that you just know. Trust your instincts.
•Also, that person welcomes you into his/her life, trusts you, treats you with respect, and is not mean to you. I am happily married and I know my husband loves me because he always puts my needs before his own, and I try to do the same for him.
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