Today I ask one of my friends.."dear do u ever dream to be rich? that is my question," she laughing at me...loudly..." u are out of your mind friends.." that she was saying to me..yep ! i was out of my mind. but i gurantee and very sure, who want to be poor forever...true or not?
i asking her long i live happily with my children, health life and all I thanks God for it. that she saying to me.
yeap is correct, you have everythings also but...u not happy with all arround you ...that is not good sound too...the joy and hapiness is difficult to buy it..there is no "price" for it..forever joy and hapiness is only on JC hand. Those who want it can request and get it..not by money...or wealth we have. Money or wealth we have currently only for temporary..not forever there. One day will finish..and did we hapi with what we have now..
hope soo....
find the true of living...
find the destination...for what purposes??
to earn at much as you want...
and can buy big car, big houses, doing investment...
and what....
and what...the ending...
all you have so...what will you going to do start thanks giving for everythigs that God have give to .us..
It not wrong to work hard...but all the effort and hardship all most come first wt prayer...don't want day, we regrette wt everything...
little pay...but the joy and rejoice there..can help each other..rather big pay and you also received...curse! everyday from your boss / manager cost the thing/work have yet done...
just find which way you want to choose..
is up to u babe..and gud luck!!!
nothing happen inlife...unless u make it anything...will happen now furture..don't regret it..because there are thing happen because of just take it ++++
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Fate vs Free Will
Fate vs Free Will
Predestination, Free Will, or Both?
Are we victims of inescapable fate, or do we really have the power to create our own destiny? That is the age-old question.
The Scientific View
In the 17th Century Isaac Newton formulated his laws of motion and gravitation which gave rise to the concept of a mechanistic "clockwork" universe in which everything proceeded deterministically. Everything that happened was no more than the inevitable consequence of all it followed, including human behavior. God and the soul were redundant.
The clockwork universe was shattered in the 20th century. First Einstein discovered neither time nor space are as we perceive them, but are intertwined in a 4-dimensional continuum. Next Quantum physics found that, far from following principles of cause and effect, reality at its fundamental level is inherently indeterministic.
Yet the prevailing view of science as expounded by the likes of Richard Dawkins is that life (including humanity) is no more that sophisticated machinery.
Human Experience
But how often in life are we confronted with our own free will? In such simple matters as whether to have tea or coffee to life-changing events like marriage, relocation or changing occupation.
At times such as these when we feel the weight of destiny in our hands can we really doubt that we truly possess freedom of the will? Indeed, throughout the reign of the "clockwork" universe Spiritual and religious traditions continued to flourish, suggesting that at essence humankind knew better than science.
So what of fate? Does our free will make redundant the concept of predestination? Not at all. Despite the randomness of the sub-atomic universe the perceived world consisting of the effect of huge numbers of these micro-events does behave deterministically to a large degree, hence Newton's observations. For example, if you save a few dollars each week your bank balance will grow, if you don't wrap in cold weather you'll likely catch cold…
The Spiritual Interpretation
In Spiritual terms we choose the lessons for a particular incarnation before we are born. While on earth our Spiritual memory is hidden from all but the most enlightened to prevent it distracting us from fulfillment of purpose. Instead we have the earthly free will necessary for us to gain the experience we came for. Thus we have free will throughout our time here.
However, Spirit arranges for us to be presented with the conditions that give us the chance to learn our chosen lessons. Of course our free will may avoid these lessons, in which case we will continue to be presented with conditions suitable for fulfillment of our chosen purpose.
Our free will is our greatest gift. It is the manifestation of the spark of Divine (Spirit) within us all. It is what separates us from piece of rock.
The war against sleep
But how many of us squander our greatest gift by not making full use of it? Mind is lazy and craves routine that can be delegated to the subconscious. In the comfort of routine the consciousness is free to indulge itself in its typical aimless wanderings.
So attractive is the familiarity of routine that most of us don't even face the dilemma of choosing between tea and coffee, we just have the same drink every time. We become the nightmarish biological automata envisioned by science.
But isn't to squander the gift of free will also to fail to make the most of our incarnation? For it is only through exercise of will that we test ourselves in this environment and thus learn what we came to learn.
Just as our muscles grow weak through lack of exercise so does our will. We should try to switch off our mental autopilot on a regular basis. Vary what we drink in the morning. Take a different route to work or shopping. Watch a different tv show, or better still switch the tv off altogether.
The more we exercise our free will, the more open and aware we become to the opportunities that surround us. Opportunities that many simply don't notice, blinded by the drug of routine.
Fate undoubtedly influences the circumstances in which we operate. Someone born with a disability is unlikely to become a champion of a physical sport. We should be sensitive to fate and what it tells us about our true purpose. But beware of using fate as an excuse for failure. "I was unlucky", "circumstances were against me", etc etc. Such things may be true, but before adopting them be sure you have exercised your will to the best of your ability.
Predestination, Free Will, or Both?
Are we victims of inescapable fate, or do we really have the power to create our own destiny? That is the age-old question.
The Scientific View
In the 17th Century Isaac Newton formulated his laws of motion and gravitation which gave rise to the concept of a mechanistic "clockwork" universe in which everything proceeded deterministically. Everything that happened was no more than the inevitable consequence of all it followed, including human behavior. God and the soul were redundant.
The clockwork universe was shattered in the 20th century. First Einstein discovered neither time nor space are as we perceive them, but are intertwined in a 4-dimensional continuum. Next Quantum physics found that, far from following principles of cause and effect, reality at its fundamental level is inherently indeterministic.
Yet the prevailing view of science as expounded by the likes of Richard Dawkins is that life (including humanity) is no more that sophisticated machinery.
Human Experience
But how often in life are we confronted with our own free will? In such simple matters as whether to have tea or coffee to life-changing events like marriage, relocation or changing occupation.
At times such as these when we feel the weight of destiny in our hands can we really doubt that we truly possess freedom of the will? Indeed, throughout the reign of the "clockwork" universe Spiritual and religious traditions continued to flourish, suggesting that at essence humankind knew better than science.
So what of fate? Does our free will make redundant the concept of predestination? Not at all. Despite the randomness of the sub-atomic universe the perceived world consisting of the effect of huge numbers of these micro-events does behave deterministically to a large degree, hence Newton's observations. For example, if you save a few dollars each week your bank balance will grow, if you don't wrap in cold weather you'll likely catch cold…
The Spiritual Interpretation
In Spiritual terms we choose the lessons for a particular incarnation before we are born. While on earth our Spiritual memory is hidden from all but the most enlightened to prevent it distracting us from fulfillment of purpose. Instead we have the earthly free will necessary for us to gain the experience we came for. Thus we have free will throughout our time here.
However, Spirit arranges for us to be presented with the conditions that give us the chance to learn our chosen lessons. Of course our free will may avoid these lessons, in which case we will continue to be presented with conditions suitable for fulfillment of our chosen purpose.
Our free will is our greatest gift. It is the manifestation of the spark of Divine (Spirit) within us all. It is what separates us from piece of rock.
The war against sleep
But how many of us squander our greatest gift by not making full use of it? Mind is lazy and craves routine that can be delegated to the subconscious. In the comfort of routine the consciousness is free to indulge itself in its typical aimless wanderings.
So attractive is the familiarity of routine that most of us don't even face the dilemma of choosing between tea and coffee, we just have the same drink every time. We become the nightmarish biological automata envisioned by science.
But isn't to squander the gift of free will also to fail to make the most of our incarnation? For it is only through exercise of will that we test ourselves in this environment and thus learn what we came to learn.
Just as our muscles grow weak through lack of exercise so does our will. We should try to switch off our mental autopilot on a regular basis. Vary what we drink in the morning. Take a different route to work or shopping. Watch a different tv show, or better still switch the tv off altogether.
The more we exercise our free will, the more open and aware we become to the opportunities that surround us. Opportunities that many simply don't notice, blinded by the drug of routine.
Fate undoubtedly influences the circumstances in which we operate. Someone born with a disability is unlikely to become a champion of a physical sport. We should be sensitive to fate and what it tells us about our true purpose. But beware of using fate as an excuse for failure. "I was unlucky", "circumstances were against me", etc etc. Such things may be true, but before adopting them be sure you have exercised your will to the best of your ability.
Thinking Out of the Box
Thinking Out of the Box
What is Thinking Out of the Box?
Thinking out of the box is the mode of thought that dares to challenge conventional wisdom, ie it dares to question beliefs so deeply held by so many that they are considered almost sacred. Thinking out the box is an all too rare quality, but when applied it can bring revolutionary leaps in human progress. Even where the existing ways really are most appropriate, an "out of the box" critic can actually enhance their validity by forcing their proponents to justify them.
By contrast, thinking inside the box is following convention. doing what everyone else does just because that's the way it's always been done. Thinking in the box allows survival, but without innovation we cannot do much more than stand still and stagnate.
Why Think Out of the Box?
Do we survive or thrive? If it ain't broke don't fix it runs the old adage. But evolution is based on the continued improvement of that which already works. From the very earliest forms of life that gained a foothold in a barren universe progress has come from doing things different than how they'd been done before.
A common human tendency is to seek the acceptance and approval of our peers. Another is the desire to operate within our comfort zone. The first tendency means we tend to conform to popular opinion. Perhaps we feel safer in a crowd, are afraid of possible ridicule. Perhaps we once held contrary views, but have had these stifled by societal pressure. The second tendency means we simply accept what we are told because we are too lazy to think for ourselves. Add to those the conditioning to conform, be a good citizen etc etc etc...
And by following these tendencies we can survive the various trials of life. We can get a job, make enough to live, with perhaps enough left over for a yearly vacation. We'll certainly survive, but we'll be anonymous, and when our time on earth is finally done we'll leave behind nothing but the memories of a few loved ones.
By thinking out of the box we give ourselves the chance to go beyond this bare existence and begin to fulfill the true potential of our earthly incarnation. Not everyone can be a Da Vinci or Einstein, but we can all try to maximize our own particular potential. Given the most precious gift of incarnation that is surely our most basic duty.
How to Think Out of the Box
Firstly, don't get in a rut. Avoid the comfort zone. Push yourself. Accept, and actively seek out new challenges. Take chances. Avoid routines, or if you end up with one, change it for change's sake. If you usually drink coffee at breakfast, try a cup of tea instead. If you normally take route A, try route B, or C, once in a while.
Get into the habit of questioning and challenging established practice. Not all established practice is wrong, but where it is right, rising to a challenge will strengthen its claim to legitimacy.
Is there a different way of doing this/that? Or rather how many different ways can you think of? Allow yourself freedom to brainstorm on a frequent and regular basis. In brainstorming phase accept everything that comes into your head, don't censor yourself. The wilder the idea, the better. Of course, brainstorming needs to be followed by rationalization, but at a later time. Keep a note of all your ideas, even the initially rejected ones. You never know when they might be useful.
Thinking out of the box is hard. It uses more energy and creates more stress than simply going with flow. Very few can comfortably operate out of the box 100% of the time. If we can employ that faculty 10% of the time we are probably doing better than 90% of the population. It follows that we need to judge very carefully which situations are worth making that extra effort for. Most times it's fine to drift along on auto-pilot, saving our out of the box thinking for things that matter to us most.
All we can take from this world is experience, all else is illusion. We live each moment only once, so we might as well make the most of it. And we make the most of it not by accepting, but challenging accepted ways.
Acticle From: newage spritual
What is Thinking Out of the Box?
Thinking out of the box is the mode of thought that dares to challenge conventional wisdom, ie it dares to question beliefs so deeply held by so many that they are considered almost sacred. Thinking out the box is an all too rare quality, but when applied it can bring revolutionary leaps in human progress. Even where the existing ways really are most appropriate, an "out of the box" critic can actually enhance their validity by forcing their proponents to justify them.
By contrast, thinking inside the box is following convention. doing what everyone else does just because that's the way it's always been done. Thinking in the box allows survival, but without innovation we cannot do much more than stand still and stagnate.
Why Think Out of the Box?
Do we survive or thrive? If it ain't broke don't fix it runs the old adage. But evolution is based on the continued improvement of that which already works. From the very earliest forms of life that gained a foothold in a barren universe progress has come from doing things different than how they'd been done before.
A common human tendency is to seek the acceptance and approval of our peers. Another is the desire to operate within our comfort zone. The first tendency means we tend to conform to popular opinion. Perhaps we feel safer in a crowd, are afraid of possible ridicule. Perhaps we once held contrary views, but have had these stifled by societal pressure. The second tendency means we simply accept what we are told because we are too lazy to think for ourselves. Add to those the conditioning to conform, be a good citizen etc etc etc...
And by following these tendencies we can survive the various trials of life. We can get a job, make enough to live, with perhaps enough left over for a yearly vacation. We'll certainly survive, but we'll be anonymous, and when our time on earth is finally done we'll leave behind nothing but the memories of a few loved ones.
By thinking out of the box we give ourselves the chance to go beyond this bare existence and begin to fulfill the true potential of our earthly incarnation. Not everyone can be a Da Vinci or Einstein, but we can all try to maximize our own particular potential. Given the most precious gift of incarnation that is surely our most basic duty.
How to Think Out of the Box
Firstly, don't get in a rut. Avoid the comfort zone. Push yourself. Accept, and actively seek out new challenges. Take chances. Avoid routines, or if you end up with one, change it for change's sake. If you usually drink coffee at breakfast, try a cup of tea instead. If you normally take route A, try route B, or C, once in a while.
Get into the habit of questioning and challenging established practice. Not all established practice is wrong, but where it is right, rising to a challenge will strengthen its claim to legitimacy.
Is there a different way of doing this/that? Or rather how many different ways can you think of? Allow yourself freedom to brainstorm on a frequent and regular basis. In brainstorming phase accept everything that comes into your head, don't censor yourself. The wilder the idea, the better. Of course, brainstorming needs to be followed by rationalization, but at a later time. Keep a note of all your ideas, even the initially rejected ones. You never know when they might be useful.
Thinking out of the box is hard. It uses more energy and creates more stress than simply going with flow. Very few can comfortably operate out of the box 100% of the time. If we can employ that faculty 10% of the time we are probably doing better than 90% of the population. It follows that we need to judge very carefully which situations are worth making that extra effort for. Most times it's fine to drift along on auto-pilot, saving our out of the box thinking for things that matter to us most.
All we can take from this world is experience, all else is illusion. We live each moment only once, so we might as well make the most of it. And we make the most of it not by accepting, but challenging accepted ways.
Acticle From: newage spritual
My tears..
Sometime is thinking about this tears...will drop..this evening on way back from my offic, I saw one guys joging from another road to another road. My heart say want to pick him up, but the scary feeling over me all. I scat to pick him up. Somemore there alots crimes in this world now days. I doesn't know who is him too..My eyes..looking at his walk till I can't seeing heart feel pityness of him..Why i need to show off my politely heart..or so dangreouse to act to be such like that..
Finnaly ..i not take him up. I continue my journey in the middle of trafic jam, I don't know this guy will run until where..Not young guy excatly. he is consider all already..he walk and run and nobody care about heart my tears out excatly..but i talk to myself be strong dear...
i just pass him by, and never pick him up that i know..even my heart to say pick him up. But GOd who is him..what should i do, if he robbery me. what should i do than..i know my faith is not enaough strong to do that jobs.i know faith not that level..i just leave the story behind and ignore it..
Finnaly ..i not take him up. I continue my journey in the middle of trafic jam, I don't know this guy will run until where..Not young guy excatly. he is consider all already..he walk and run and nobody care about heart my tears out excatly..but i talk to myself be strong dear...
i just pass him by, and never pick him up that i know..even my heart to say pick him up. But GOd who is him..what should i do, if he robbery me. what should i do than..i know my faith is not enaough strong to do that jobs.i know faith not that level..i just leave the story behind and ignore it..
Big Lion making voices today
Hhahahaa !!
Is scary things when we listen to some1 shouted at you and after that talk slowly to you. How do you feel , such there a no feeling toward a human being like me ya> what that lion think about us. Yeah as I say, there nothing will stay permanantly. Is all about human being character...what to about that...human being..
today having lunch with my church members..1 of them doesn't want to talk and another 1 more talkaltive human being too...
my friend another 1 so proud to be he normally..human being..
suddenly today...the lion get angry with us today...the moon coming today..such like jungle 1 ya..human being..human being...keep going ..dear..what to do..
be happy to be you are, continue the living when can't to do anything...with everything..I am feel very hope and my strength on YOU JESUS..I can't run away from YOU JC.
Help in everythings in this living..
Thanks to TOM N JERRY TOday ..for the Janek today,..thank to JC, thanks to all thannks to the ONE create me...thanks and thanks ...
Thanks for the best journey that I have ever had..dear JC>.thanks so much...
I will live in faith
knowing His word is sure...
shouth aloud to eart
harvest is here and now..
Grat is our GOd all in the earth...
We will see Him
Coming on the clouds and heaven
we wll see him
High and lifted up reigns
in majesty..
in holiness
almighty one...
i will in
Jesus is coming soon
let the nation sing
Glory the
well see the fullness of His words
all of His
Almighty one...
forgiven...and forgiveness...
arigato JC to
a lots things changce...
THanks to all!!!
Is scary things when we listen to some1 shouted at you and after that talk slowly to you. How do you feel , such there a no feeling toward a human being like me ya> what that lion think about us. Yeah as I say, there nothing will stay permanantly. Is all about human being character...what to about that...human being..
today having lunch with my church members..1 of them doesn't want to talk and another 1 more talkaltive human being too...
my friend another 1 so proud to be he normally..human being..
suddenly today...the lion get angry with us today...the moon coming today..such like jungle 1 ya..human being..human being...keep going ..dear..what to do..
be happy to be you are, continue the living when can't to do anything...with everything..I am feel very hope and my strength on YOU JESUS..I can't run away from YOU JC.
Help in everythings in this living..
Thanks to TOM N JERRY TOday ..for the Janek today,..thank to JC, thanks to all thannks to the ONE create me...thanks and thanks ...
Thanks for the best journey that I have ever had..dear JC>.thanks so much...
I will live in faith
knowing His word is sure...
shouth aloud to eart
harvest is here and now..
Grat is our GOd all in the earth...
We will see Him
Coming on the clouds and heaven
we wll see him
High and lifted up reigns
in majesty..
in holiness
almighty one...
i will in
Jesus is coming soon
let the nation sing
Glory the
well see the fullness of His words
all of His
Almighty one...
forgiven...and forgiveness...
arigato JC to
a lots things changce...
THanks to all!!!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
You make Difference
God works through you in every small act of kindness, and each encouraging word that brightens someone's day. Your encouragement reveals God's love to others. Encourage someone today with this message!
In this great big world, you make a difference.
I'm so thankful that one of the many live you've touched is mine. I pray God multiplies back to you the blessing you are,
many times over.
In this great big world, you make a difference.
I'm so thankful that one of the many live you've touched is mine. I pray God multiplies back to you the blessing you are,
many times over.
all thing chance expect Jesus
OUR LIVING, such a round ball. We can't proud to say if we healthy today, tomorrow, 5 years later or 10 years later we don't know what will happen to us anyway. You can't be proud to having what we have know. Anytimes God can take it off. The most important things that be thankful to Father God.
This few day i have to lie to my friends because she was force me to do things that I was give up on. Is no time for me to do so and I already give up on it. what to do. I say that i will out station for a while and will not coming back. I feel bad anyway. Than after day, a day pass i asking for forgiveness. I say sory..I feel better than. My character to say apologize and i do so.
Week by week, I feel very boring. Didn't utilese my day properly. I really looking forward to do something in my living anyway. IN the mean time I can do mean time I feel i will continue to do it...
Last few months I have disconect with my old friends from korea. He was good man anyway. But cos of the huge difference on culture and relegion, I need to sacrified my feeling toward him. I know everytime I have korean / japanese food I will remmember of him. Very strong feeling toward him. I have know that he have new gf anyway. That was same race, culture and relegion with him. Is good for both party and i was happy for him too. Is already 4 months there no more conncection with him. Even email or call no more connection..Begining it was pain cos of the promise. Is very painful anyway..
Before that both also just want to fill in the free time the stupid things come..1st date,..2nd date, 3rd date...and last say bye..bye...
for me a gud stupid feeling....when talking about something that you was not really sure..But for very funny anwyay.....
sms..almost everyday..even...not seeing him...oso..need to reply him anyway...
after more longer..human can change anytime anyway...when u find the better one you will chance according to your principal, that is normally human being such us..when we found a good one, we will chance our mind accordingly when you have not decide yet. Is depending on your principal you holding and on your focus too...
before become serious in consider the future..don't take things for granted...there nothing can promise you..except for the 1 Jesus..
be careful next time...
That why i say tat people always chance becaouse of the thing surronding. Only ONE thing never chance in this live. The love of Jesus toward us. Is still the same from the begining, now and forever and ever....never chance...When nobody for me, but none Jesus, He always rite here for me. THat is beautiful of Jesus of my saviour.
This few day i have to lie to my friends because she was force me to do things that I was give up on. Is no time for me to do so and I already give up on it. what to do. I say that i will out station for a while and will not coming back. I feel bad anyway. Than after day, a day pass i asking for forgiveness. I say sory..I feel better than. My character to say apologize and i do so.
Week by week, I feel very boring. Didn't utilese my day properly. I really looking forward to do something in my living anyway. IN the mean time I can do mean time I feel i will continue to do it...
Last few months I have disconect with my old friends from korea. He was good man anyway. But cos of the huge difference on culture and relegion, I need to sacrified my feeling toward him. I know everytime I have korean / japanese food I will remmember of him. Very strong feeling toward him. I have know that he have new gf anyway. That was same race, culture and relegion with him. Is good for both party and i was happy for him too. Is already 4 months there no more conncection with him. Even email or call no more connection..Begining it was pain cos of the promise. Is very painful anyway..
Before that both also just want to fill in the free time the stupid things come..1st date,..2nd date, 3rd date...and last say bye..bye...
for me a gud stupid feeling....when talking about something that you was not really sure..But for very funny anwyay.....
sms..almost everyday..even...not seeing him...oso..need to reply him anyway...
after more longer..human can change anytime anyway...when u find the better one you will chance according to your principal, that is normally human being such us..when we found a good one, we will chance our mind accordingly when you have not decide yet. Is depending on your principal you holding and on your focus too...
before become serious in consider the future..don't take things for granted...there nothing can promise you..except for the 1 Jesus..
be careful next time...
That why i say tat people always chance becaouse of the thing surronding. Only ONE thing never chance in this live. The love of Jesus toward us. Is still the same from the begining, now and forever and ever....never chance...When nobody for me, but none Jesus, He always rite here for me. THat is beautiful of Jesus of my saviour.
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