Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Asian tsunami kills 12,300, many more homeless (26-12-2004)

Updated: 2004-12-27 08:04

More than 12,300 people were killed and tens of thousands left homeless after a powerful undersea earthquake unleashed giant tsunami waves that crashed into the coasts of south and southeast Asia.
The 8.9 magnitude earthquake that struck off the Indonesian island of Sumatra early on Sunday was the biggest in 40 years.
The world's biggest earthquake in 40 years hit southern Asia on December 26, 2004, unleashing a tsunami that crashed into Sri Lanka and India, drowning thousands and swamping tourist isles in Thailand and the Maldives. [Reuters]
The world's biggest earthquake in 40 years hit southern Asia on December 26, 2004, unleashing a tsunami that crashed into Sri Lanka and India, drowning thousands and swamping tourist isles in Thailand and the Maldives. [Reuters]

An unidentified man salvages his household items after they were washed away by tidal waves at the Marina Beach in Madras, in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu, Sunday, Dec. 26, 2004. [AP]

A general view of the scene at the Marina beach in Madras after tidal waves hit the region. Disaster struck just after dawn as a huge earthquake in Indonesia sent tsunamis crashing westwards.(AFP
A general view of the scene at the Marina beach in Madras after tidal waves hit the region. Disaster struck just after dawn as a huge earthquake in Indonesia sent tsunamis crashing westwards. [AFP]
Thai government officials said at least 392 bodies had been retrieved and they expected the final toll to approach 1,000.

In Los Angeles, the head of the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said U.S. officials who detected the undersea quake tried frantically to get a warning out about the tsunami.
But there was no official alert system in the region, said Charles McCreery, director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's center in Honolulu.
"It took an hour and a half for the wave to get from the earthquake to Sri Lanka and an hour for it to get ... to the west coast of Thailand and Malaysia," he said. "You can walk inland for 15 minutes to get to a safe area."
"We tried to do what we could," he said. "We don't have contacts in our address book for anybody in that part of the world."
The earthquake, of magnitude 8.9 as measured by the U.S. Geological Survey (news - web sites), struck at 7:59 a.m. (1959 EST). It was the world's biggest since 1964, said Julie Martinez at the USGS (news - web sites).
The tsunami was so powerful it smashed boats and flooded areas along the east African coast, 3,728 miles away.
In the Maldives, where thousands of foreign visitors were holidaying in the beach paradise, damage appeared to be significantly more limited, according to initial reports.

Affect area
Peoples died reports
17,000 island
4,500 peoples had died
Banda Aceh
The capital aceh province
200 prisoners escaped from jail

3,000 people killed
Sri Lanka
All over country
Worst disaster to hit Sri Lanka
4,500 people died
Over 1 million pollution
5% population
Southern India
3,000 people died
Penang area
8 peoples died

10 peoples died

Sunday, November 14, 2010

nov ptd exam 2010 - jenayah siber

Semua pihak perlu tangani jenayah siber

Oleh Siti Mariam Md. Zain

SEMUANYA di hujung jari anda. Frasa ayat ini cukup popular ketika ini. Memang, kecanggihan teknologi maklumat (IT) mendorong kita memilih sesuatu yang boleh dilakukan dengan lebih mudah dan pantas.
Jika boleh, semua urusan mahu dibuat di satu tempat. Faktor masa dan belanja banyak mempengaruhi pilihan ini.
Justeru, apabila pihak bank berlumba-lumba menawarkan perkhidmatan on-line atau lebih dikenali sebagai perbankan Internet, ramai yang mengalu-alukan usaha ini. Sebagai pengguna, ia dilihat menguntungkan mereka.
Namun dalam masa sama, ada perkara yang terus menjadi kebimbangan. Sejauh mana kaedah ini selamat digunakan atau dalam bahasa mudah, sejauh mana wang pengguna mampu dilindungi terus menjadi tanda tanya.
Walaupun pihak bank berkali-kali mengatakan keselamatan menjadi keutamaan mereka, hakikatnya, masih ada pengguna yang mengadu kehilangan wang menerusi transaksi yang dijalankan, tanpa sedar mahupun disedari.
Mengapa ini berlaku? Alasan yang diberikan oleh pihak bank apa yang berlaku bukan kerana kesilapan mereka. Segala urusan yang disediakan dijamin mempunyai ciri-ciri keselamatan yang tinggi. Tambah mereka lagi, pelanggan bukannya tertipu sewaktu berurusniaga dengan bank, tetapi sebelum itu lagi. Maknanya ada pihak lain yang ‘memotong jalan’ menggunakan kaedah-kaedah yang sama seperti disediakan oleh bank terbabit.
Lebih tepat, laman-laman web perbankan telah diciplak untuk ‘menghalalkan’ penipuan tersebut.
Sebagai pengguna, dapatkah kita menerima alasan ini? Tentu jawapannya tidak. Hakikatnya, pengguna bukan sahaja tertipu tetapi mungkin juga terpaksa membayar harga perkhidmatan yang ‘ditawarkan' pihak tertentu.

Menurut seorang pakar komputer yang enggan dikenali, dengan hanya memiliki sebuah komputer, Internet dan perisian pelayar, seseorang boleh mencipta laman web bank untuk melesapkan berjuta ringgit wang pelanggan.
“Malah untuk mencipta laman web palsu ini, mereka tidak memerlukan masa yang lama, hanya kira-kira satu hingga dua jam sahaja,” katanya sambil menjelaskan perisian yang dimaksudkan boleh didapati di pasaran.
Kegiatan itu bagaimanapun tidak boleh meniru URL (alamat domain) asal laman web berkenaan kerana ia dilindungi, tetapi mereka boleh mewujudkan rangkaian alternatif sehingga mengelirukan para pelanggan bank.

Ini bukan satu perkara yang pelik. Baru-baru ini Pusat Keselamatan dan Tindak Balas Kecemasan Teknologi Komunikasi dan Maklumat Negara (NISER) mengesan penipuan yang berlaku.
Serentak itu, pihak polis telah menangkap empat pelajar universiti dan sembilan yang lain kerana mencipta laman web palsu bank-bank tempatan untuk mencuri maklumat pelanggan sebelum mengeluarkan wang mereka.

Malah dalam tempoh sembilan bulan pertama tahun ini, sebanyak 159 kes kecurian identiti pelanggan perbankan Internet telah dikesan, meningkat 27 kes berbanding 132 kes yang dilaporkan dalam tempoh sama tahun lalu.

Jumlah kerugian bagaimanapun tidak dapat diperoleh kerana dirahsiakan oleh pihak perbankan terbabit.

Usaha pihak polis yang berjaya memberkas penjenayah siber ini harus dipuji, namun itu bukanlah pengakhiran kepada kisah penipuan ini. Mungkin masih banyak penjenayah yang lebih bijak tetapi masih bebas di luar sana.
Lalu apa lagi yang boleh dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah ini?

Menurut Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif (CEO), DigiCert Sdn. Bhd., Noor Azli Othman, untuk menjamin keselamatan, setiap bank harus mempunyai sijil digital.

Sijil digital tersebut jelasnya, mampu memastikan setiap pemalsuan laman web dikenal pasti dengan serta-merta.

“Saya tidak menafikan orang masih boleh menciplak laman web terbabit tetapi dengan adanya sijil digital, pengguna boleh tahu tulen atau tidak sesuatu laman web itu,” katanya ketika dihubungi Mingguan Malaysia.

DigiCert adalah syarikat pengeluar sijil pengesahan digital untuk urus niaga secara elektronik. Sijil digital merupakan keperluan yang penting bagi memastikan keselamatan yang berterusan untuk transaksi dalam talian.

Ia juga adalah kenyataan yang mengesahkan identiti seseorang dan keselamatan laman web.

Setakat ini beberapa agensi kerajaan telah mengguna pakai kaedah ini termasuk Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN) dan semua syarikat pembekal yang berdaftar dengan kerajaan.
Noor Azli berkata, sijil digital pihaknya berasaskan infrastruktur kunci awam (IPK) untuk memberikan perkhidmatan lebih baik kepada pelanggan sekaligus meningkatkan tahap kepercayaan komunikasi Internet.

Ia telah diterima di seluruh dunia sebagai kaedah yang paling menjamin keselamatan setakat ini.


embincangkan tentang ancaman siber, perkara ini bukan baru. Di negara maju seperti Amerika Syarikat (AS), masalah ini telah wujud awal lagi. Namun usaha untuk mencegah giat dilakukan dari semasa ke semasa.

Tidak dinafikan dalam persaingan dunia global, ancaman siber sebenarnya sering dihadapi oleh para pengguna komputer masa kini memandangkan kebanyakannya mempunyai sambungan kepada rangkaian Internet.

Apa yang pasti ialah, kesan ancaman siber ini boleh merebak secara global dalam masa yang amat singkat dan lebih membimbangkan ia tidak bersifat setempat atau terhad mengikut sempadan seperti keganasan fizikal.

Jika ada pihak yang bimbang dengan penularan jenayah siber perbankan Internet, ada pihak lain melihat, masalah sebenar membabitkan keselamatan proses transaksi tersebut berpunca daripada pengguna itu sendiri.
“Saya percaya masalah ini wujud kerana pengguna kita sendiri yang tidak berhati-hati,” kata Dekan Fakulti Teknologi dan Sains Maklumat Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Prof. Dr. Aziz Deraman.

Mengambil dirinya sendiri sebagai contoh pengguna tetap perbankan Internet, Prof. Aziz mengakui sekiranya pengguna itu celik komputer, tidak akan timbul masalah yang sedang membelenggu sesetengah pihak ini.
“Pihak bank tentunya mempunyai tahap keselamatan yang tinggi. Dari segi bank sendiri mungkin tiada masalah tetapi yang menimbulkan masalah ialah pihak luar. Kerana itu kita sebagai pengguna perlu berhati-hati,” katanya.
Bagaimanapun untuk meningkatkan tahap keselamatan bagi kebaikan kedua-dua pihak, beliau mencadangkan agar pihak bank menambah pengenalan-pengenalan diri pengguna dari semasa ke semasa.
Mengulas lanjut, Prof. Aziz berkata, beliau juga kurang bersetuju sekiranya ada pihak yang mencadangkan supaya menggunakan sistem lama – beratur di pejabat-pejabat pos atau bank untuk melakukan urusan kerana ia membazirkan banyak masa, tenaga dan wang selain kaedah tersebut bukan ciri-ciri sebuah negara maju.
“Kita dalam jangka untuk menjadi negara maju pada 2020, sepatutnya yang perlu dilakukan ialah mencari jalan untuk mengurangkan jurang digital di kalangan rakyat. Jika semua pihak faham dan celik komputer, masalah penipuan jika tidak dapat dihapuskan pun akan dapat dikurangkan,” tegasnya.
Sememangnya penggunaan teknologi komunikasi dan maklumat (ICT) tidak dapat dielakkan dalam mengharungi era globalisasi. Dalam hal ini, seharusnya semua pihak atau agensi yang terlibat dapat mewujudkan kerjasama serta persefahaman ke arah menangani ancaman ini.
Dalam masa yang sama pengguna juga perlu memahami tanggungjawab masing-masing. Lebih utama, jurang digital perlu dikurangkan. Jika ini berlaku, jenayah siber yang dibimbangi semakin menular di negara ini akan dapat diatasi.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

health life..ceh..hehe

  IS always...rocks...com do...always..walk around..for health living..take care of health..that is the best things to do..cos our Body is belong to God, not is belongs it..

take care of health is the best thing to do...
 so is not wrong to have a good exercise...
this pic and view is before maria back to her home town for a good offer...

is at pandan perdana, kl...

recently happen ya..nice view and difficulat to forget about it..

thanks to God..for a good moment...thanks....

Lily engagement today - 7-10-2010

Congreatulation to EE and Adam..
Finally ending the of yours single year yeah...
May GOd Bless always..

Today and Yesteday nite, quit very busy with all kind of things...
helping for cooking, preapring all the kind of kampung food..

wau u can eat..babi / pig and daun ubi / paku pakis..all favourite food man..

where to find lor...so delicious..no wonder my weight now...become increase..fat and become fat now...

huhhhu there is the first processs...
Ulan later on ur turn...don't wory..
just let us know when is th best time...
we will there for..u
os goes to u etiee..ping..huhuuhhu

here...is cut...the kacang panjang...enjoy lor...work together...and gether...in the world call "BIG TOWN"

very harmonies...time those not coming this day...regret wah...

 this time for tumbuk daun ubi...all sarawakian favourites foods. especially those call orang ulu..whether from belaga / baram / tutoh or so on...wah....very sedop / delicious oh.. make my slaver....menitis!!! only hhahaha!!! 

here..untie mooon a....cooking...makan osos almost 10 pm...wah...satisfied lor... oosososs....acar..acar....hahhahaahah

best regards....from all the rock..com...

wish u all the best....

October 2010 - bad month for sam

Sory to sam...
you have the bad month..
need to change all..
have a little accident..
need to change the lamp n battery too..
well already 3 years..

is a lot things to change..

here and there..
 a lot money out also...

THe lamp / eyes need to used contact lens alreadys...ehehsss....so sad...

esss....the door oso..need to knock...self accident at work place...car park go to level 2.
stupid...don't know how to  estimated the place...how to drive..merz  / bmw than...
forgot bout it...true r no...
cos never pray rite...early in the morning
asking for protection..
never pay tiding haA???

poor things same...
next time...if yau cen...
we find ya...


New beginning or Ending

Thanks to Father Lord Jesus in everythings happen in this live. Thank you Lord Jesus. This week I have learn something about human beings character. What I know, we difficult to predict them and our heart, mind and is too hard if you no communication with them.

Is same thing goes to our Creator, how we can understand our Creator, if we are fullfill our times with televesion show, shopping, movie, food and hang arround and so on. When you are really can be keep in silent in front of your Creator. God is really very great and amazing God that we have.

He never leave us behind. We only leave Him far away and go more far from him. His love never ending. Never ending till the end..

When we say something will ending. that was begining for us..there are something new..

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

is true about us

Is about sacrified living about one sister to another sister.
is about a parents sacrified to do all the best for their children;
is about a boyfriend sacrified for his girlfriend;
is about a crazy woman become rasional;
is about everythings...but...all come back to

yesterday 1-11-2010  on monday night..my sister friend remind me about my sister love toward me, how she sacrified everything for familly 10 years ago. Yeah, if thinking it back, she doing a lot, but now aday world was change. is change the type of world, change the people inside. there a tsunami a years back, the world also change. people also change, there a lots of changes follow the world too..only 1 thing i can understand only one, world change human change. everywhere, when talking about, God, christianity, about love, about family, about business and so on...every1 also can talking about it. everyone no1 except from it.

but no1 rely do act best on their words. that is difficult to do, somepeople like to see you querrel with some1. some people doesn't like it. is depend on all people thinking about you . anyway. i more perfer not to busy woman. there a lot consequences becouse of your action anyway. i more to keep quite anyway. i doesn't like to live sometimes is thinking a lot of problems come in this life. sometime jus want to run away...looking forward for another solution. but also you also can't go on by your own feet. there a lot option, but when the timing coming you also can't run away from it. just face it.

this couple of month , a lots thing happen by the way. time and space tell me about the everything. whether to find a true friends in tis world or whatsoever..is alot thing you can find out.

not to saying that m very perfect person. no , everyone have there own weakness. there 10 years back you can say that i was a crazy women? oh yeah...is crazy women now become a very good person. is all thank to Father Lord Jesus. cos He change a crazy women become a wonderful women anyway.

In this word there only have two (2) type of person. good or. is depend to the option of that person. also same goes to us after die, heaven or hell. also same yeah...off course those who really know about the truth of the living, that the TRUTH WAY to heaven only through JESUS. those who believe in Him, will have the salvation.

i was not satisfied enough wiht one statement that given to me last few weeks, that when my people was critic me on my bad behaviour. well a lots will come if come to money yeagh////

just wait i do another plan...is wound make you in trouble anyway...dear friends...

and Is not Really good attitude if you laughing at people weakness, laughing people at people cos she/he was crazy. don't make people shy cos of your character. you laughing and a you very sure that your friend will like it??? anyway sure she will feel very shy, that you are talking about her/his weekness in front of her/him. sure she feel bad that you say that she was a crazy buddy last time/ how do feel first before you saying people crazy anyway???

how? you laughing at people until your tear laughing out about that people, is not good character . you need to change it , is embrassing yourself. people remmeber the most bad thing about the bad thing you did to them.

don't prevent people go to church,
don't ever say about their relegion;
don't ever say that your friend is crazy and laughing at them;
people do have weakness, just learn from thier mistake, don't do that mistake ever and ever;
try to fogive and forget about people mistake;
and learn to live happily;
without any wories....
