There are rainbow after raining. Everythings happen in this life there are purpose. Is depend on us to do after an accident or problems. How does define it on our next life. Take it as good or forget it at all. There nothing is bad things if we follow the command of God in living, without to many questions just obey because He know what is the best for us. Be blind in and follow His way in His purpose. Can we believe that without depending on our strength and knowledge that we have. Aftter all we have learn everything happen in our life. Is just very simple illustration; just take an example in our living, there nobody or baby can directly walk once he/she out from his/her mother worm. Is simple things to be apply in this living. People saying norm of living, There nobody can know everythings until and unless he/she have go through the simple expreinced. After all we need to depend on God also, who we are in the begining, we are nothing just a baby at the begining.
Believe it there something happen in our life sure we see the rainbow after that. There a good things we need to expect and a good things for us to learn in this living. Because if nothing happen in this life, seem life so look very boring and we are really feel very comfortable with our situation until we don't know at certain level don't know to do nothing in this life.
TO help others is too far imagination because there is no commitment to do so. So we feel useless too until we don't know where to go ? what to do next in the future. The blur and clouds in front of our eyes..don't know what to do.. blur..until there something happen only than have the movement in life. So, than thanks God for everythings happen in this living. There nothing wrong to be in trouble some times, because you are not always or forever in that situation.
A lot peoples / most of us really like to upgrade our life been to do a lot things, Such as work hard, looking for a good opportunity, looking for rich boy friends/ rich girl friends / rich husband / rich wife. But at the end of the stories of this life do you really satisfied and enjoy with your living. Do you really are enjoy with something that you are doing currently now. Finish the money of the month with something not externally...
How do we really are invest the money we earn of the month with the real investment. Investment in new clothing / new hairs styles / new cars / new houses / new girl friends/ new boy friends / new movies / karoake / or tours / or something to do with our enjoyment. Did we satisfied with this kind of things. Oh..yeah for a time being..could be a few months feel bored with the new cloth..feel bored with the new hairs styles..Do you know what is always happen to us? Bored with something that is we think before will satisfied us. Why? Where do we should invest our salary of the month excatly. Is depend on us to spend it. Is true..Invest in something that forever...The house of God (could be define as human body also. Is doens't means the house of God is a CHUCH. is also define to people surronding us. Believe it or not. In the Book of God saying that " our body also is a temple of God" . So to invest our money to the poor once..such as widow (balu) , charity to people those don't have house. Give to our parents, give to our pastors, or those who need in help. That is great thing to help each others. Love each others using our "mamon" in ourlife.
Great things, but difficult to do it. because we are selfish..that why is difficult
and I am rite. Answer is Yes.
Whatever it's, is just my oponion. Sometimes if I have found myself when I not care for others I well feel trouble..."we talk bout tis the next espisod" ..ha..ha..
So, as we do..just follow by faith and believe to God. What ever is our situation are, there are good things is waiting for us. Believe in God, you will never disappointed for His promise, as long and longer we have done our part to be loyalty and follow His command.
There is nothing wrong if we really do what His command in our life, reading the "BOOK" and do whatever it's command in our living.
Thanks mum & dad, family, dear friends, and expecially God.
Be strong at this journey.