I got up early one morning and rushed right into the day;
I has so much to accomplish that I didn't time to pray.
Problems just tumbled about me, and havier came each taks;
why doesn't God help me? I wondered, He answered, " You didn't ask".
I wanted to see joy and beauty, but the day touled on gray and bleak;
I wondered why God didn't shoow me. He said, "But you didn't seek."
I tried to come into God's presence; I used all my keys at the lock,
God gently and lovingly chided,
"My child, you didn't knock."
I woek up eary this morning and paused before entering the day; I has so much
to accomplish that I had to take time to pray.
Oh God, today I really..shock with an accident happen to me. Lord help me. I am really scared about it. Today one the way go to KL there a motorcylist come from behind and hit my car. I realy scared because I am a girl and he following me until the Plaza Phionix because I doesn't want to stop to look after him. He look such a mat rempit. That make more scared about him again. Only God protect me from this guy. God help me, that time I really need someone to help me. God send Your Angel to help me.
This time I really black out, I don't know what to do, if possible I just want to run away from that bad guy...
God only know what kind of feeling I have scary..and so on...
too much thing happen to me this week? God why never look after me..sure God answered me, u never ask for it..
I have call few friend to help only few can turn up. Some says that I can handle it by myself, some says that I will help, but never turn up. Some says ask me where I am I come over to help you. But everythings I feel useless..no1 come after all..just talk..that I know where really are my true friend when I really in trouble and when I say this word.."PLEASE HELP ME" here is the true colour of my friend that I call before this is a friend, but it's was doesn't calling a friend. Not deserve to say there a friend too. They doesn't doing anything..for me when I need them in my trouble.. Very difficult to find the kind of friend, when you cry she/he also cry with you. Off course a friend to laugh there a lot, but when you in sarrow time, no one will turn up to help that is pitness about this live. Everything , people looking for reward normally when we help them. But I never though this kind of feeling when helping people..God is really tuff for me to living wiht the kind of people that doesn't thinking the same kind of thought.
Now, 130am in the morning. Today is sunday morning. I feel scared to drive out my car cause of the an accident happen to me yesteday evening. God help me to think positively to enable me to continue this live with the sarrow situation surronding me. Give me strong Lord..even is so tuff for me to go thru..
Thanks to my friend rita for helping me in this situation. Thanks for the prayer friend, is really help.
Only one thing I can confirm about this life, there no place is peach to stay as longer we stay in this world. Only one place is peachful, the Heavenly Father place. there is the best place to go. The best protection only from Heavenly Father too. A little girl weak like me, really need God to help me in any such of way.. Only He is the best. Thank to You Lord God for Your saviour for YOur help and for Your help.
Thank you God.
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